
Thermoplastic composite, tube-shaped preforms for large-volume manufacturing | CompositesWorld

Starting with the sporting goods and bicycle market, French startup 3DiTex targets its continuous preforming system for thermoformable, thermoplastic composite tubes in complex geometries. #Work In Progress

Thermoplastic composite preforms for tubes, bicycle frames and beyond. French startup 3DiTex has developed a continuous process for winding complex-shaped, hollow, thermoformable preforms from thermoplastic composite tapes or other materials. The company’s first target market is sporting goods, including bicycle frame components and, soon, fully integrated bicycle frames like those shown here. Photo credit, all images: 3DiTex Former Holder set

Thermoplastic composite, tube-shaped preforms for large-volume manufacturing |                 CompositesWorld

High-volume manufacturing capability, easily recycled materials and design freedom are three increasingly important requirements for a material to be adopted for ma