
Detection of 17 Targets in a Single PCR Tube by a Novel MeltPlex® Probe System Combining Melting Curves and Taqman Probes Poster | Technology Networks

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Detection of 17 Targets in a Single PCR Tube by a Novel MeltPlex® Probe System Combining Melting Curves and Taqman Probes Poster | Technology Networks

Despite the developments in conventional PCR, the complexity of multiplex Real Time PCR is still limited due to the lack of sufficient detection channels. To achieve high-end multiplexing capacity on standard Real Time PCR machines, Anapa Biotech has developed the MeltPlex® technology (see box on right).

MeltPlex®utilizes a system of labelled Taqman-type probes allowing each to be read out by subsequent melting curve analysis. 5 or more probes can be analyzed per fluorophore channel. By utilizing melting curve readout of modified probes –one for each target -rather than the only amplicons, the system adds an extra level of specificity to melting curve analysis. Reaction and melting analysis is performed without the need to re-open PCR reaction tubes.

Detection of 17 Targets in a Single PCR Tube by a Novel MeltPlex® Probe System Combining Melting Curves and Taqman Probes Poster | Technology Networks

Bst DNA polymerase Detection reaction chemistry is similar to TaqMan and MeltPlex® probes can easily be designed using existing TaqMan target sequences